50 ml Tube Holder, Solid Aluminum

The tube holder is machined out of a 1.5 lb aluminum block and has the dimensions of a standard 2ml deep well microplate.  It is used with the Mini-Beadbeater-96 cell disrupter.  One or two 50 ml screw cap centrifuge tubes are positioned completely inside the cold block. The contents are shaken in a "tube wall to tube wall" direction.  The block can be pre-cooled in a deep freezer, or to cryo-temperatures with dry-ice or liquid nitrogen.

Included with each vial block are 25 sterile, polypropylene 50 ml screw-cap tubes.

availability: In Stock

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An important accessory for the Mini-Beadbeater-96 when temperature control is a concern.*  Typically, a vial filled with beads, sample, and extraction media will warm ~10 degrees per minute of beadbeating.  Our 2 ml vial holder (capacity of 48 vials) and 50 ml tube holder (capacity of 2 tubes) are machined out of heat-conductive aluminum.  The vial holders can be pre-cooled to low temperatures to provide maintenance of low sample temperatures during the bead beating process.  The vial cooling efficiency of this close-fitting aluminum vial holder is far superior to cold-room air or cold-air attachments used by other bead mill cell disrupters.

* Note:  Nucleic acid extraction of microorganisms or tissues in the presence of nucleic acid extraction media generally does not require temperature control.



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