Selected Applications Using the Mini-Beadbeater

Extraction from Soil & Wastes

The Extraction and Purification of Microbial DNA from Sediments, Andrew Ogram et. al., J. Microbiol. Methods, Vol.7, p.57-66 (1987)

Methods for microbial DNA extraction from soil for PCR amplification, C. Yeates, et. al., Biol Proced Online. May 1998 - April 1999; 1: 40–47.

Small-scale DNA Sample Preparation Method for Field PCR Detection of Microbial Cells and Spores in Soil, C.R. Kuske, et. al., Appl. Environ. Microbiology, Vol.64, p.2463-2472 (1998).  "Only the MiniBeadbeater was effective for DNA extraction from Bacillus globigii (B. subtilis subsp. niger) endospores or Fusarium moniliforme conidia"

Evaluation and Optimization of DNA Extraction and Purification Procedures for Soil and Sediment Samples, D.N. Miller et. al., Appl. Environ. Microbiology, Vol.65, p.4715-4724 (1999)

Rapid Method for Coextraction of DNA and RNA from Natural Environments for Analysis of Ribosomal DNA- and rRNA-based Microbial Community Composition, R.I. Griffiths et. al., Appl. Environ. Microbiology, Vol 66, p.5488-5491 (2000)

Simultaneous DNA/RNA Extraction from Soil, a protocol based on a modified method of Griffiths et. al.(2000), from Eoin Brodie, April 2003.  This protocol uses a Fast-Prep machine.  Expect comparable results when using other beadbeater-type machines operated at their maximum available speed setting.

A Strategy for Optimizing Quality and Quantity of DNA Extracted from Soil, Helmut Burgmann et al, J Micrrobiological Methods, Vol 45, p. 7-20 (2001).  Examines the effect of varying beadbeating time, speed, volume, and temperature of extraction media, and amount and type of beads on the yield and quality of DNA from several soil types.

Improved Extraction of PCR-quality Community DNA from Digesta and Fecal Samples, Zhongtang Yu and Mark Morrison, BioTechniques, Vol 36, p.808-812 (2004).   Compared to two other DNA extraction methods, beadbeating resulted in a 1.5 to 6-fold increase in DNA yield and produced superior results in PCR-based studies of diversity.

Comparative Analysis of Fecal DNA Extraction Methods with Phylogenetic Microarray: Effective Recovery of Bacterial and Archaeal DNA using Mechnical Cell Lysis, Anne Solonen et al, J Microbiological Methods, Vol 81, p.127-134 (2010) Content:  Four widely used methods are compared.  The DNA yields varied up to 35 fold.  A modified protocol of Yu and Morrison was the best.

Comparison of DNA Extraction Methods for Human Gut Microbial Community Profiling, Mi Young Lima, Eun-Ji Songa, Sang Ho Kimc, Jangwon Leec, Young-Do Nama, Systematic and Applied Microbiology, Vol 41, p.151-157 (1918).  Compares nine DNA extraction methods using 3 commercial kits, with and without additional beadbeating.  All methods were adequate but the inclusion of a beadbeating step gave a more comprehensive microbiome profile.

A Methods Protocol for the Extraction of DNA from Sediment/Soil Samples

Skim Milk Drastically Improves the Efficiency of DNA Extraction from Andisol, a Volcanic Ash Soil; Yuko Takada Hoshino and Naoyuki Matsumoto, Japan Agri Research Quart, Vol 39-4, 247-252 (2005)  Content: 40 mg skim milk powder/gram soil sample was added as an adsorption competitor.  It does not interfere with PCR procedures. 

Virus & Spores

West Nile virus Epidemic in Horses, Tuscany Region, Italy, Gian L Autorino et. al., Emerg. Infect. Dis., Vol.8, No..12, (2002)

Reexamination of the Role of Autolysis in the Development of Myxococcus xanthus, Kathleen A. O'Connor and David R. Zusman, J. Bacteriology, Vol.170, p.4103-4112 (1988)

A Field Investigation of Bacillus anthracis Contamination of USDA and Other Washington, DC Buildings during the Antrax Attack of October 2001, James A. Higgins, et. al., Appl. Environ. Microbiology, Vol.69, p.593-599 (2003)


Disruption of the Nematode Worm C. elegans, A procedural note, Christopher Hopkins, (June 2005).


Simultaneous Quantification of Opiates, Cocaine, and Metabolites in Hair by LC-APCI-MS/MS, Karl B. Scheidweiler and Marilyn A. Huestis, Anal. Chem., Vol.76 (15), p.4358–4363 (2004)

Extraction and Analysis of Cortisol from Human and Monkey Hair, Jerrold Meyer, Melinda Novak, Amanda Hamel, and Kendra Rosenberg, J Vis Exp. 2014; (83): 50882 (2014).  To a 2 ml microcentrifuge tube add 60 mg washed hair, three 3.2 mm chrome steel beads, and grind for 2-3 min in a MiniBeadbeater.  Includes a video link showing protocol details.

Pathogens in Plant & Animal Tissue

Comparison of Tissue-Disruption Methods for PCR-Based Detection of Plant Pathogens, Paul Vincelli and Bernadette Amsden, Plant Disease, Vol.97, No.3, p.363-368 (2013)

Comparison of Mechanical Tissue Grinders and the MiniBeadbeater-96 for Homogenization of Murine Lung and Thigh Tissue for Subsequent Quantitation of Bacterial Density, Lucinda M Lamb, Jennifer Tabor-Rennie, Jarod LCrandon, David P Nicolau, Enliven: Microb Microbial Tech 1(2) :001 (2015)

Nucleic Acid Purification from Plants, Animals, and Microbes in Under 30 Seconds; Zou Y, Mason M G, Wang Y, Wee E, Turni C, Blackall P J, et al.PLoSBiol Vol 15, No.11,(2017), e2003916.  Plant and animal samples, extracted in the field with hand-operated devices such as tissue grinders (Spiral Pestle), bead mill cell disrupters (Sonibeast-Jr), or leaf crushers (MiniLeafCrusher) are stabilized on cellulose paper.  Methods and examples of recovery, purification, and amplification of the stabilized nucleic acids are described.