US Distributors
BioSpec Products works with all major U.S. distributors. They have access to our complete line of products. Some of our distributors selectively list our products in their catalogs, while others do not. A call to the distributor's customer service line may be required for product information. While on the line, tell them you wish they would show all of BioSpec Products offering in their catalog and online.
International Distributors
BioSpec Products also have close relationships with our international distributors. Below is a list of our distributors -- organized by country.
We also work with Cole-Parmer to supply international and US customers.
- Cole-Parmer
Ph. 800-323-4340
Fx. 847-247-2929
E-mail sales@coleparmer.com
- DainTree Scientific PTY
Ph. (61) 3-6376-3335
Fx. (61) 3-6376-3334
E-mail info@daintreescientific.com.au
- Interprise
Ph. 55 (19) 3833-6800
Fx. 55 (19) 3833-6801
E-mail vendas@interprise.com.br
Interprise also distributes to many South American countries. See
info@interpriseusa.com for more information.
- Lab Services BV
Ph. (31) 76 5310420
Fx. (31) 76 5310421
E-mail info@lab-services.nl
- Fisher Scientific LTD
Ph. 613-226-8874
E-mail innoval2016@gmail.com - Prion Lab SpA
Ph. 56-9-6843-6628
E-mail contacto@prionlab.cl
Website http://www.prionlab.cl
- Aoran Technology LTD
Ph. (86)21 64516299
Fx. (86)21 64516268
E-mail service@aoran.cn
Website http://www.aoran.cn/ - Beijing Biopute Technology Co., Ltd.
Ph. (86)10-82794912
Fx. (86)10-82794927
E-mail monamour@126.com - Bio-Gene Technology Ltd
Ph. (852) 2646-6101
Fx. (852) 2686-8806
E-mail info@bio-gene.com.cn
Website http://www.bio-gene.com.cn - Gathersun International Limited
Ph. 86-10-8758-8466
Fx. 86-10-5285-9583
E-mail orders.china@gathersun.com
Website http://www.gathersun.com - ITS Science and Medical, PTE, LTD
Ph. (65) 6373-0896
Fx. (65) 6273-0810
E-mail info@its-sciencemedical.com - Prime Science & Shanghai Springsci Co Ltd
Ph. 86-21-64825207
Fx. 86-21-64753780
E-mail sales@primesci.com or sales@springsci.com.cn
Website http://www.primesci.com or http://www.springsci.com.cn - Shanghai Yuan Sheng Co Ltd
Ph. 86-021-60740207
Fx. 86-021-60740206
E-mail rlee@springsci.com
Website http://www.360instrument.cn
- Interprise
Ph. 305-722-5909
Fx. 305-406-0008
E-mail orders@interprise.com
Interprise also distributes to many South American countries. See
info@interpriseusa.com for more information.
Czech Republic
- BioVendor Laboratory Medicine
Ph. (420) 5-4912411
Fx. (420) 5-49211465
- Labo Line Oy
Ph. (358) 9 877 0080
Fx. (358) 9 8770 0870
E-mail info@laboline.fi
- Dutscher s.a.
Ph. 03 88 59 53 92
Fx. 03 88 59 53 89
E-mail hotline@dutscher.com
- Carl Roth
Ph. (49) 721-56060
Fx. (49) 721-5606149 - Lab Services BV
Ph. (31) 76 5310420
Fx. (31) 76 5310421
E-mail info@lab-services.nl
Hong Kong and Macau
- Gathersun International Limited
Ph. 852-2690-6583
Fx. 852-3124-1183
E-mail orders@gathersun.com
Website http://www.gathersun.com - Bio-Gene Technology Ltd
Ph. (852) 2646-6101
Fx. (852) 2686-8806
E-mail info@bio-gene.com.hk
Website http://www.bio-gene.com.hk
- Unigenetics Instruments Pvt. Ltd.
Ph. (91) 11-22757221
Fx. (91) 11-22757226
E-mail ajay.jain@unigenetics.net
Unigenetics is our sole distributor in India.
- Ormir
Ph. 972-586-272546
Fx. 972-586-272546
E-mail arik@ormir.co.il
- Central Scientific
Ph. (81) 3-5820-1501
Fx. (81) 3-5820-1515 - Waken
Ph. (81) 6-354-1455
Fx. (81) 6-354-1466
- Seoulin Bioscience
Ph. (82) 1670-5911
Fx. (82) 31628-3007
E-mail sltrade@seoulin.co.kr
- Lab Services BV
Ph. (31) 76 5310420
Fx. (31) 76 5310421
E-mail info@lab-services.nl - LabTie International
Website https://www.labtie.com
E-mail support@labtie.com
New Zealand
- dnature Ltd
Ph. (64) 6-863-3303
Fx. (64) 6-863-3310
E-mail info@dnature.co.nz
- ITS Science and Medical, PTE, LTD
Ph. (65) 6373-0898
Fx. (65) 6273-0810
E-mail info@its-sciencemedical.com
- Comercial Rafer
Ph. (34) 9-76-23-74-00
Fx. (34) 9-76-21-71-52
E-mail internacional@rafer.es
- Techtum Lab AB
Ph. (46) 90-77-88-80
Fx. (46) 90-12-01-81
E-mail info@techtum.se
- Cold Spring Biotech Corp.
Ph. (886) 2-695-9990
Fx. (886) 2-695-9963 or 2-692-3410
E-mail fjbio@fjbio.com.tw - IT'S Science Corporation Ltd.
Ph. 886-2-27880626
Fx. 886-2-27882997
E-mail george@itss.com.tw
- U&V Holding, Co. Ltd.
Ph. (66)-2950-7733 til 42
Fx. (66)-2950-7247
E-mail info@uandvholding.com
- Genbiotek Biosistem Laboratuvar Malz. San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti.
Ph. (90) 2125 740900
Fx. (90) 2125 740901
E-mail info@genbiotek.com
Website https://www.genbiotek.com
- Stratech Scientific, Ltd
Ph. (44) 1638 782600
Fx. (44) 1638 782606
E-mail info@stratech.co.uk - Thistle Scientific
Ph. (44) 01698 338844
Fx. (44) 01698 338880
E-mail info@thistlescientific.co.uk