Cleaning or Sterilizing Your Beads
We do not certify that the beads are nuclease free. However, considering the way these beads are manufactured and packaged, they are free of contamination from nucleases. The vast majority of our customers use them as they come out of the bottle. We always recommend that homogenization of the tissue pieces be done in the presence of nucleic acid extraction media as these media are designed to denature proteins, including RNase.
Most researchers use them straight out of the bottle. Washing beads in acid is a waste of time and potentially dangerous.
For those with applications requiring a cleaning protocol, please see below.
Promptly rinse used glass or ceramic beads in tap water and leave them soaking in a beaker containing a diluted solution of laboratory detergent or automatic dishwasher detergent. Now and then, agitate the beads by swirling them. When you have accumulated enough used beads to work with, rinse away the detergent with several changes of tap water and then with RO or distilled water. Dry the beads overnight in an open stainless steel or glass tray at 40 to 70ºC. If the dried beads do not pour freely from the tray (i.e., some are caked together), then they were not cleaned or rinsed enough. Repeat the cleaning protocol.
Cleaning stainless steel beads requires a modified procedure. The washing step must last only a few minutes. Ditto for the water rinse. Then, promptly remove all residual water from the surface of the beads by rinsing the beads with three changes of absolute (100%) ethanol, isopropanol, or acetone. Air dry at room temperature.
If you are isolating nucleic acids from disrupted cells, an easy alternate cleaning method is to immerse the beads in a 1:10 dilution of ordinary household bleach (Clorox or equivalent) for 5 minutes. This not only cleans and sterilizes the beads but completely destroys contaminating nucleic acids (see and nucleases. Of course, finish by thoroughly rinsing the beads with sterile or RO water.
Chrome steel beads are single use beads and should be discarded after use. They may however be autoclaved.
All cleaned beads can be autoclaved. Note that autoclaving at traditional conditions (121º C for 20 min) will not sufficiently destroy the template activity of any contaminating DNA. Autoclaving at 121º C for 80 minutes is recommended. The presence of air during autoclaving also facilitates nucleic acid decomposition(see Biotechniques (Vol.55, Issue 6, p.296-299, Dec 2013).
Finally, a successful procedure for both sterilizing and destroying any residual nucleic acids on clean glass, ceramic or steel beads is baking clean beads at 550º F for 2h or 400º F for 4 h.
In general, beads can be recycled about ten times before they wear down to too small a size.